Work With Me

Let’s translate your big ideas into powerful stories

and easy-to-understand messages

What can you gain?


Walk the talk.
Talk the walk.


Core objectives.
Words that work.




Touch hearts & minds.
Catalyze action.

Plan Customization

Step 1

Time until presentation


Step 2

Type of presentation

Step 3

Experience with public speaking


Step 4

Focus on collaboration

What People Are Saying

You helped me with organization and clarity of my talk, putting it in order that would be valuable and make sense to the audience. I love how we kept tying back to what we were providing them with. You were always there to root and cheer me on, giving me confidence. I am very satisfied with the results. I felt very prepared.
I had to prepare and present a short speech for my adult bat mitzvah. I wrote several drafts and then turned to Laurel for editing advice. She carefully read what I submitted and was able to move paragraphs and to add names and specific details in order to make my speech clearer, lively and relatable. When we rehearsed together, she listened carefully and coached me to tell my story and not to read it. She encouraged me to smile, engage the congregation, and not hide my emotions. She made me a bat mitzvah rock star!

Choose the package that works for you

Polished Public Speaker

4 one-on-one sessions.
Public speaking best practices OR strategies for managing nerves.
Polished elevator pitch.
Curated set of stories.
Session transcripts & recordings.
Unlimited correspondence.

Powerful Premiere Speaker

8 one-on-one sessions.
Full text speech.
Keyword outline.
Delivery coaching.
Session recordings.
Unlimited correspondence.

Aligned Career Seeker

4 one-on-one sessions.
Focus & favorite skills.
Polished elevator pitch.
Curated set of stories.
Session transcripts & recordings.
Unlimited correspondence.

It's time to unlock your public speaking